Dr Paula Smith - Presentation Skills Expert

Speak Out to Play a Bigger Game

HomePresentation Skills Training | Values Based Leadership

Values Based Leadership

Thought Leader

Leadership isn’t always about being popular, it’s about doing what is right. Your values and what matters most to you and the organisation you represent should be the foundation and building blocks for how you lead. It has been suggested that leadership is not personal, leadership IS personal.

With the latest research in neuroscience and human behaviour , it makes sense to apply these findings to leadership. In any leadership role, it is imperative you understand what makes you behave the way you do and what makes others around you behave the way they do.
In this workshop we explore past and current leadership models and practices and how these align to a valued based leadership approach.
Being a leader is sometimes a lonely ride so the more you embrace your leadership approach, the more confident you will become in your leadership capability.
Confident leaders have the ability to build, strengthen and maintain positive relationships with their teams and stakeholders.

What we cover in this master class:

  • Looking through the leadership lens
  • Past and current leadership theories and practices
  • Values and beliefs
  • A closer look at what makes people tick
  • A closer look at neuroscience and leadership
  • Emotion and logic
  • Building resilience
  • You are not alone
  • Workplace culture
  • Developing an adaptive mindset
  • Taking the lead
  • Leaders make mistakes too
  • Confidence to lead and empower others

Who should attend?

Emerging or experienced leaders, mangers and supervisors who wish to explore their leadership values, approach and capabilities so they can step up and lead with confidence.

This course can be contextualised for your workplace needs and target group.

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Enquire About This Course