Dr Paula Smith - Presentation Skills Expert

Speak Out to Play a Bigger Game

HomePresentation Skills Training | REL8 Human Behaviour and Relationship Model and Masterclass

REL8 Human Behaviour and Relationship Model and Masterclass

Team Development

People make a team; People make an organisation. Not just processes, rules and objectives. It is critical we get to know our team members and colleagues on a more intimate level to ensure everyone in the organisation feels like they are a valued contributor.

So what makes a great team? What can threaten to destroy a high functioning team? And why do people leave teams or an organisation?

The purpose of a powerful team is to benefit from the diverse traits, skills and experiences that each member brings to the table and then ensuring the collective knowledge, skills and attitudes can work together to achieve the set goals or objectives.

Using the REL8 Human Behaviour and Relationship model and system as a foundation, this master class will explore how teams can work and play together successfully to ensure the collective wisdom is optimised, allowing the team to develop and thrive. This is a deep but fun masterclass that get’s your team interacting with a small dose of healthy competition.

REL8 can be delivered as a stand alone masterclass or integrated into a variety of communication and leadership programmes. REL8 was developed by Paula Smith, a leading authority on leadership communication.  Either book Paula to deliver REL8 or choose from a diverse group of accredited REL8 facilitators.



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