Dr Paula Smith - Presentation Skills Expert

Speak Out to Play a Bigger Game

HomePresentation Skills Training | Facilitate and Lead Meaningful Meetings

Facilitate and Lead Meaningful Meetings

boring meetings

No more boring and unproductive meetings

High-level communication, engaging facilitation techniques and effective planning skills are just some of the magic ingredients in meaningful meetings. No-one likes to have their day disrupted by a meeting that doesn’t achieve anything. Too much time is wasted every day due to poorly planned and managed meetings.

Time really is money in business, meeting time is precious time in a busy business day.

If every meeting you attended was professionally run, achieved an outcome and was an enjoyable experience perhaps more people would turn up, prepare well and contribute more enthusiastically.

So what does it take to run a successful meeting? Our workshop will explore meeting leadership and how to ensure your meetings are the ones that people in your organisation look forward to attending.

What will we cover in this master class:

  • Why do we need a meeting anyway
  • Meeting roles and responsibilities
  • Inviting the team/clients/stakeholders
  • Setting the agenda and keeping to time
  • Event management essentials
  • The art and science of effective communication The power of words
  • It’s just a matter of perspective
  • Strategies for engagement
  • Managing the room dynamics
  • Facilitation and leading from the front of the room Evaluating meeting effectiveness
  • Follow up and what’s next

Who should attend:

Anyone who is involved in planning or leading internal or external meetings in a business context and wishes to achieve intended outcomes in a timely and effective manner.

This course can be contextualised for your workplace needs and target group

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